- 理解句子的时候,你可以知道有些单词很重要,有些单词没那么重要。
- 名词和动词是句子的核心:n 和 v
- 形容词,因为它是修饰名词的,所以不那么重要;表示程度的副词也是这样
- 形容词只需要先记住是形容好的方面还是坏的方面即可
- 副词和形容词都是起修饰作用的
a few =some 有些:几个 a few friends 一些朋友,如果没有a了 few friends 几乎没有朋友 ,否定词
a little = some
co-founder :co表示共同 found 表示建立,创立 er表示人
tion 名词的后缀
a number of : 许多
prevent = stop的高级表达 阻止
raise 三个意思 1.筹款 2.饲养 3.提高/提升
for a living 以……谋生
by 通过
play a part in 扮演 什么样的角色
在一个人名后面, 逗号后面的句子都是头衔,不需要知道
Humans may not have landed on Mars(火星)just yet,but that isn’t stopping a European company from devising a plan to send four people to the Red Planet within the next few years.
- 参考译文:人类可能还没有登陆火星,但这并不能阻止一家欧洲公司制定计划,在未来几年内将四人送上这颗红色星球。
This project, called Mars One, aims to send a small group
of people to Mars in 2022 and eventually establish a permanent colony on the planet.
- 参考译文:这个名为“火星一号”的项目旨在2022年将一小群人送上火星并最终在火星上建立一个永久殖民地。
“Everything we need to go to Mars exists,”said Mars One co-founder Bas Lansdorp in March 2014.
- 参考译文:“我们去火星需要的一切条件都存在,”“火星一号”联合创始人巴斯 ·兰斯多普于2014年3月说。
“We have the rockets to send people to Mars, the equipment to land on Mars,the robots to prepare the settlement for humans.
- 参考译文:“我们有火箭送人去火星,有设备登陆火星,有机器人为人类定居做准备。
For a one-way mission, all the technology exists.
- 参考译文:“对于单程任务,所有的技术都存在。
Yet the four astronauts(宇航员)chosen for the trip will be stuck on Mars-forever.
- 参考译文:然而,为这次旅行选择的四名宇航员将永远停留在火星上。
And despite Mars One’s thorough planning,there are a number
of challenges that may prevent the mission from ever taking place.
- 参考译文:尽管“火星一号”计划周密,但仍有许多挑战可能阻止任务的进行。
The biggest road block could be the mission’s huge cost ($6 billion)
- 参考译文:最大的障碍可能是这项任务的巨额成本(60亿美元)
However, Lansdorp is confident that Mars One will be able
to fund the project by selling the broadcast rights for the mission and subsequent experiences living on the planet.
- 参考译文:不过,兰斯多普相信,“火星一号”将能够通过出售播放权以及随后在火星上的生活经历为这个项目提供资金。
Those broadcast rights will also play a part in helping to select the people who will be sent to Mars. Lansdorp said the company will hold a selection process similar to a reality show.
- 参考译文:那些播放权也将有助于选择被送往火星的人。兰斯多普表示,该公司将举办一个类似真人秀的选拔过程。
Lansdorp is expecting at least l million applications from people around the world.In addition to the cost,several other potential problems could inhibit(阻止)the mission to Mars.
- 参考译文:兰斯多普预计全球至少有100万人申请。除了成本之外,还有其他几个潜在的问题可能会阻碍火星任务。
“It’s even more challenging to send people there with life support, with food, with air, with all the other things like books,entertainment, means of communication and means of providing for their own resources for a long stay on Mars, ”said Adam Baker,senior lecturer in space engineering at Kingston University in London.
- 参考译文:伦敦金斯敦大学航天工程高级讲师亚当·贝克说:“给载去那里的人提供生命物需、食物、空气,以及书籍、娱乐设施、通信设备和为他们在火星上长期停留供应自己的资源等都是更具挑战性的。这么做所需要的火箭绝对是巨大的。”
“The sheer size of the rockets you’d need to do this would
be absolutely colossal.”
- 参考译文:“这么做所需要的火箭绝对是巨大的。